Filtration Plant for Drinking Water

  • We installed a drinking water filtration plant for the local residents.
  • The underground water of our villages has a very high content of dissolved salts. Drinking water sources, both surface and groundwater are contaminated with toxic metals and pesticides throughout the country.
  • Residents of these villages have been going too far off places to get drinking water.
  • Pakistan ranks at number 80 among 122 nations regarding drinking water quality.
  • We installed a drinking water filtration plant for the local residents. However, people from far-off places fetch the water from the plant for their consumption.
  • Drinking water quality is properly managed and monitored.
  • People take water on motorcycles, cars, and even donkey carts to bring it to their homes.
  • We are building a second water filtration plant 10 Kms away from the current one.

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